SantLiv aims to be a competent companion, contribute to lasting changes and she needed a modern and calm visual identity & website to be seen as a established business in the coaching market.

SantLiv Coaching got a new set of brand guidelines including logo, typography, color palette, tone of voice, marketing materials and a new WordPress website. 

Calm & modern

Holding two SantLiv Coaching business cards

Getting started is easy.


Book a meeting

To begin, book a 20-minute meeting to see if we are a good fit and should move forward with the project.


Nine-step framework

If we are good fit we start on the nine-step framework for either visual identity and/or website. This framework ensures quality results for your small business.


Feel the difference

Start using the visual identity and/or website and feel the difference. A feeling of more confidence, clarity on who the ideal client is and being consistent on all platforms.